Silence…………………………………………….. nothing but the hum of my Continental O-300 and the wind rushing over my windscreen as the Earth creeps up beneath my feet. Just at that tranquil moment where separation between earth and craft seems infinitesimally close, my ear discerns the whine of the stall horn and the seat of my pants feels the mains start to roll.
The silence is broken by my scream of victory as I execute a perfect landing that is far too infrequent. The moment is short-lived as I clean up my bird, pour on the coals, and feel the wheels release their grip from the runway again…………and again, enter into the quiet.
This is how I spent my summer evenings back in the mid 90s, left turns in the sky over Belvidere Airport (C77) where radio calls are not required and where the thunderous silence of one and their machine can be enjoyed uninterrupted.
The real story here is how the airport evolved from a quiet airport with 30-40 aircraft to a thriving community with approximately 400 aircraft, 202 hangars, and 100 residential homes complete with runway access. [Read more…]